Princesa Sofia Hotel Spain

Venue details
Facts & Figures

Princesa Sofia Hotel is situated in proximity to the central railway station and not far from El Prat International Airport and many of Barcelona's attractions.

The property has 26 lounges which can accommodate up to 1200 delegates. Combining experience and versatile facilities, the venue hosts major and small events - from business meetings, product launches and workshops to seminars, conventions and conferences.

Check out these essential facts about the Princesa Sofia Hotel

Where: Spain, Barcelona, Plaça de Pius XII, 4
Airport: El Prat, 14km
Railway station: Barcelona-Sants, 3km
Subway station: Maria Cristina, 0.4km

How to get to Princesa Sofia Hotel

By Rail

Metro line L3 to Maria Cristina Metro Station

By Bus

  • Bus lines 7 and 75 Diagonal-Av Joan XXIII bus stop
  • Bus line 78 to Maria Cristina bus stop

By Car

Princesa Sofia Hotel is located by Av. Diagonal, one of Barcelona's broadest avenues.

GPS coordinates: Longitude: 41.386311; Longitude: 2.123186

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