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Bevorstehende Messen und Events in Munich Order Center (MOC)
Eine Auswahlliste von Industriemessen und Konferenzen, die planmäßig in in Munich Order Center (MOC) stattfinden

04.06.2025 - 05.06.2025The Most Essential Meeting Points for Cosmetic Companies and Suppliers CosmeticBusiness 2025 is scheduled for June 4th and 5th at MOC (Munich Order Centre) in Munich, Germany. This international trade fair serves as an essential meeting point for cosmetics companies and suppliers, bounding together the entire industry chain from ingredients and manufacturing to packaging and services making it the best place to be to discover innovative products and meet industry professionals. CosmeticBusiness 2025: The Entire Industry in One Place With over 150 product presentations from categories like: Raw Materials & Ingredients Manufacturing & Private Label Packaging & Design Machinery & Services From innovative ingredients and cutting-edge formulations to sustainable packaging solutions and full-service contract manufacturing, this trade fair is the ultimate place for professionals from the cosmetic industry. Meet and Network with the Best More than 400 exhibitors and thousands of trade professionals will attend during the CosmeticBusiness 2025 dates, making it a key meeting point for decision-makers, source suppliers, and professionals who want to stay ahead of industry trends. Making it the ideal place for networking and finding new business opportunities. Get Your Free Customized for CosmeticBusiness 2025 Offer with Fair Point Due to CosmeticBusiness popularity, finding a place to stay that fits your requirements near MOC could be time-consuming and often disappointing. Contact our team of professional business travel agents with your requirements to get your free customized offer and book your hotel for a seamless experience and trouble-free stay so you can focus on making the most of CosmeticBusiness 2025.

Munich Fabric Start Autumn
02.09.2025 - 03.09.2025Munich Fabric Start Autumn 2025: World of Textile On September 2nd and 3rd, 2025, the Munich Fabric Start Autumn will return for a new set of experiences, know-how, and innovative insights. This is the leading European textile trade fair, and it takes place twice a year at the Munich Order Center(MOC). The autumn edition will feature a qualitative portfolio of international fabrics and accessories manufacturers who will showcase their latest developments in the industry. With up to 1,100 international suppliers and 15,000 visitors, the event will become a premier platform for exploring innovations in the textile sector. Reasons to Attend: The trade fair has a unique format with international business opportunities and inspiration. If you are still wondering whether to visit during the Munich Fabric Start Autumn 2025 dates or not, here are a few motives to do so: The event will include 8 dedicated areas: Fabrics, Additionals, Blue Zone, Design Studios, Resource, The Source, Key House, and Sustainable Innovations. All dedicated areas have a lot to discover, including the Blue Zone, which unfolds the International Denim Trade Show within. Another great aspect of the event is the great networking opportunity that you can discover and talk with leading representatives and exchange ideas, contacts, and plans. Expand Your Opportunities at Munich Fabric Start Autumn 2025 Many brands will be present at the trade fair to present their products, innovations, and solutions. Some of the key representatives you can meet at Munich Fabric Start Autumn 2025 are Bernini Studio, Fluxus Design Studio, Agentur Thomas Staiger - TEXPERTS.DE, The Jeans Museum, Wfs Cashmere Industry Co., Ltd., and a lot more! Don’t miss out on the chance to meet them all in person and talk with them, getting the inspiration and insights you need! Get The Best Hotel Options in Munich with Fair Point! If you and your colleagues are thinking of attending the Munich Fabric Start Autumn 2025, make sure you start preparing for your trip in time! We at Fair Point can take care of all niceties for you. We can arrange hotel deals close to MOC for you, as close to the venue and convenient in terms of location and prices. All you need to do is contact us in time and we’ll start preparing a quote for you and your team.

14.11.2025 - 16.11.2025The prime global wine trade fair FORUM VINI 2025 is scheduled to take place from November 14 to November 16, 2025 at Munich Order Center (MOC) in Germany. For yet another year the event is gathering all top industry professionals and enthusiast in the search for new ideas, concepts and collaborations. Explore Wine Options at FORUM VINI 2025 The organizers of FORUM VINI 2025 are looking forward to meet people who are as passionate about wine and introduce them to many unique experiences. During the trade fair, visitors can engage in various activities such as: TASTE – Get to taste different wines and spirits from local and international exhibitors. DISCOVER – Add a new favorite or discover different varieties of grape, soils and climatic regions that influence the taste of wine. LEARN – Participate in the supporting program that offers lectures and other events that share interesting information, basic knowledge of the sector or discuss new tendencies. ENJOY – The most important thing is that you enjoy yourself and make the best out of the opportunity. EXPERIENCE – Talk with the makers and find the origins and the process which was used for the making of your favorite wines. SHOP – Buy or order at the trade fair or choose and make an order that will wait for you at home. The possibilities are endless. The Perfect Place to Boost Your Brand’s Image FORUM VINI has hosted hundreds of multinational exhibitors from all over the world and have been a must-attend event for all key players in the sector. Judging by previous reports, businesses wanting to enhance brand awareness, network with other specialists, or simply wanting to observe the markets movement in a real setting, are set to join the FORUM VINI 2025 edition, too. Book Your Stay for FORUM VINI 2025 at The Best Price with FairPoint Munich welcomes millions of visitors yearly and finding accommodations that are both close to Munich Order Center, and up to business standards can be difficult to organize. Fair Point’s experienced travel agents can help you secure a place for FORUM VINI 2025 that will cover all your needs. Simply fill our request form or call us. We will get back to you as soon as possible, providing a free list of hotel options at the most cost-effective prices that you can pick from so everything is just how you want it to be for our trip!

20.02.2026 - 22.02.2026IMOT 2026, the leading trade fair for the scooters and motorcycles industry sector, will be held from the 20th to the 22nd of February at the Messe Munich. Many exhibiting companies will present their newest products to the attending trade visitors, key buyers and market leaders, thus giving them a head start for the new business season. IMOT 2026 will provide an immersive atmosphere for the participating sector leaders as well as for the market entering start-ups that includes numerous supportive programs coupled with special events. The gamut of exhibited products will encompass 9 key sectors: Motorcycles E-autos Custom-made motorcycles Quads Trikes Clothing Accessories Tuning Travelling There will be many hot topics that the event will focus on and a great variety of complementing platforms like the IMOTe platform will present their fascinating inventions. This will surely allow all attendants to meet with industry distributors, leaders, consultants and influencers and be successful in their enterprises. Best hotel deals for IMOT 2026! Let our team of reservation specialists make the arrangements for your stay in the city hassle-free! Complete the form below and we will send you a custom-tailored quote with hotel options at up to 30% reduced prices.
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