SHOT Show 2025 The Venetian Expo, Las Vegas, United States Of America21.01.2025 - 24.01.2025

Über die Messe
Daten und Fakten
Nächste Ausgabe

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Über die Messe

SHOT Show 2025 has established itself among the leading trade fairs for the firearms industry sector. The upcoming edition of the expo will be held from the 21st to the 24th of January at both the Venetian Expo and Caesar’s Forum, Las Vegas. The organisers anticipate, according to previous statistics, that many international exhibitors will present 2000+ products to over 60 000 trade visitors, among which also many suppliers and decision makers, will take part in the event.

SHOT Show 2025 will grant admission to professionals from a large international stage. This will create a unique ambience, where market professionals can interact with their targeted groups within many sectors and share their experience with the audience. There will also be 7 product categories, full of innovations and one-of-a-kind solutions with the latest technologies:

  • Airgun & Airsoft Products
  • Hunting Gear & Accessories
  • Law Enforcement Products & Services
  • Cutlery and Sharpeners Knives and Accessories
  • Scopes, Sights, Telescopes and Accessories
  • Firearm Cabinets, Racks and Safes
  • Training and Safety Equipment

The expo will be accompanied by forums, expert-led demonstrations and special platforms like SHOT University Explore, where you can gain know-how about management practices and new ways to make your retail or shooting range business thrive in this competitive and regulated marketplace. All this gives you the unique chance to explore new marketing solutions, thus bolstering the chances of your enterprise to take the leading spot in the competition.

Daten und Fakten

Sie haben keine Zeit, das Ganze zu lesen? Keine Sorge, hier finden Sie die wichtigsten Fakten zur SHOT Show-Messe

Messegelände: The Venetian Expo
Seit: 1979
Industrie: Other trade fairs
Turnus: every 1 Jahren
Wo: Las Vegas, United States Of America

Reserve now and get SHOT Show 2025 hotel rooms at discounted rates!

Be sure to book your stay for the expo as soon as you are able to. Most hotels near Venetian Expo and Caesar’s Forum are usually fully booked for the event dates a couple of months prior and it can be hard to reserve suitable accommodation. In order to receive the best possible experience from your business trip to Las Vegas you can take advantage of our large selection of Shot Show 2025 hotels by completing our form. Our business travel specialists are well prepared to provide you personalised hotel deals at discounted rates up to 30%!

Nächste Ausgabe

Sie können es dieses Jahr nicht zur Messe nach Las Vegas schaffen? Kein Problem! Senden Sie eine Hotelanfrage für die nächste SHOT Show-Ausgabe, und wir kümmern uns um den Rest. Wenn wir mehr Zeit haben, suchen wir nach erstklassigen Hotelangeboten in der Nähe von der The Venetian Expo. Ihr Komfort und Ihre Bequemlichkeit haben für uns Priorität, daher passen wir unsere Suche Ihren spezifischen Anforderungen an.

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