4 Reasons Why You Must Use Our Trade Fair Info Pages

4 Reasons Why You Must Use Our Trade Fair Info Pages

Our team at Fair Point is known to be extremely passionate about business travel, trade fair info, and providing information to our clients. In a world where access to quick and structured data is the new lifestyle, being able to access everything you might need in one place is of key importance. Thus, we created the Trade Fair info page section on our website.

Recently more and more of our clients have asked for a summary of the event they are looking to attend. After trying to aid them in any way we could, we realized that even on the websites of the venues and the trade fairs themselves, there was no quick and easy way to get all the essential information at a glance. Travel guides, business accommodation, event history, and description - everything was scattered in a sea of inner pages.

Hence, why our new All-In-One Business Travel Info Page was born. Here you can find 4 interesting info snippets that might be crucial to know for your upcoming journey:

  • Event description with dates, exhibitor and visitor profiles, and more
  • Accommodation tips and best-value hotels for the event
  • Facts and figures about the exhibition
  • City travel guide from and to the venue where the trade fair is held

This will allow all visitors, travel enthusiasts, exhibitors, or agents to quickly fact-check the exhibition and venue, and better prepare and execute their business trip.

We are proud to say that our info pages have been of great help to many of our clients over the years and our business travel specialists continue to look for topics that might help or interest people who need more information. Check out our website and let us know if we can help you and your company as well!

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Fair Point GmbH erbringt Leistungen für die Aussteller und Messebesucher unabhängig und ohne eine ausdrückliche Zustimmung von den Messeveranstaltern. Es besteht kein Vertrag oder eine sonstige rechtsgeschäftliche Beziehung zwischen der Fair Point GmbH und den Messeveranstaltern, und daher auch kein Auftragsverhältnis. Fair Point GmbH operiert selbstständig auf dem Messereisenmarkt. Fair Point GmbH hat keine Rechte und in diesem Sinn auch keine Ansprüche auf die Marken (Namen und Logos) von den aufgelisteten Messen und Kongressen.